Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Albuquerque Air Conditioning Service Tips: Maintaining Ductless Acs

To take out the accumulated dust from it, wash it down with water. Try to keep the hose at a 45 degree angle, and be careful not to damage the fins. You can also vacuum it to remove any existing debris. At some point during its regular use, especially in the NM summer heat, your ductless unit might end up needing efficient air conditioning repair in Albuquerque. In this case, you can opt to hire reputable contractors like Williams Mechanical for the job. Always remember to keep your unit well-maintained throughout the hot season.

1 comment:

  1. I like the tip of clean and replace the filters. it seems like the filter is a very important part of an air conditioning unit. My uncle says you should replace every three to five months. http://www.airconomic.com.au/residential/services/
